Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Screw Shoe System
I signed
up to run a half marathon in April. Unfortunately where I live, it isn't exactly warm. I live in the northern part of Utah. In Cache Valley it is not abnormal for it to hit the negatives during the night, and to have our high be in the one digits! So as you can imagine, running in the winter is not exactly ideal. With the snow,ice,and freezing temperatures, the roads and sidewalks become one big ice rink! After many a slips and falls, I was determined to find something that would help me run on those roads.

I started searching the web and found Stableicers and Ice bugs, but honestly, I just simply could not afford them. Also, after reading countless comments and reviews by my fellow runners who used these products, it always came back to the old school screw your shoes! Apparently,
putting screws into the bottom of your running shoes,is the way to go. They are effective,affordable,you could just take a trip to the hardware store and your done right?

Being a crazy busy mother with small children, going to the hardware store just to pick up some screws, became a bit of a nightmare. I wanted to find the screws that would work best for me and give me the best traction
. I also wanted them to be a safe length. The thought of having a screw stick through my foot was not exactly an experience I hoped for. So after countless visits to the hardware store (those of us with small children know that it is never just a quick errand), I found what I was looking for. They have worked great and I love them! Unfortunately, just like shoes, the screws wore down, and it came time to purchase some more. I so did not want to have to go back to the hardware store. I wished someone would just go and get them for me. So that is when I came up with the Screw Shoe system! Everything you need for your screw shoes right in one little pack!

RunnerGizmos has done the shopping, thinking, and testing for you. We have hand selected the perfect screws. These screws will give you the most traction while running, and are the proper and safest length. We also provide you with instructions for how and where to insert and install the screws properly so you don't compromise your foot or shoe. So try a pack, you'll get 40 screws and a diagram with instructions on installtion, and easy removal. Happy Running!!

1 comment:

  1. Screws are fine but they break down quickly and become more like ice skates. There is a product on the market that I found called Icespike. It is a tool quality steel that does not break down and the spikes have been sharpened and grooved very deep so they don't clog up with snow and debris. I think there website is I have been using them for the last 2 years. I use them all year round for my trail running as well. They really help with the early marathons like boston. They keep you running during those bad months. I hope this helps someone.
